Friday, June 16, 2023

(#5248) Joe Biden is still the man of the moment

      There is no doubt from me that Joe Biden was made for this moment in time. Not only did he serve under President Obama for 8 years as vice president but his service in the Senate spanned 36 years. There is no one in American politics who has as much experience and dedication to service as Joe Biden. With Joe being a liberal progressive he identifies and evolves like the rest of us to situations that need modern solutions. No one can compare to the accomplishments of Joe as President. Even President Obama wasn't able to accomplish what Joe has done albeit President Obama did accomplish a lot with the allies he did have in Congress.
     So with that in mind, any democratic challenger to President Biden for the presidency is a non starter with me. If anything all democrat presidential hopefuls need to align themselves behind Joe after they learn that the majority of democratic voters are in lock step with Joe. The republicans are in disarray while we democrats are mostly united. The next four years are crucial to maintaining and advancing democratic causes that will further unite our nation through equality and opportunity. Those that hate democratic ideals are fewer and fewer and will never be a majority in our nation. So not only does Joe need to be reelected to the presidency but the House must return to democratic control and our senate needs more democrats in order to get past the archaic filibuster rule.
     There are mighty achievements still out ahead for President Biden and eliminating the racist electoral college is one of them. Adding DC and Puerto Rico to our nation of states is another. Along with many domestic issues involving gun laws, immigration, protections for our planet, among many others. What can be accomplished when we remove the disgraced republican party form any obstructing power is not only imaginable but would allow for thoughts toward policy yet still unimagined. The time is now for democrats, independents, and intelligent republicans to unite behind Joe and then give him the majorities in Congress he needs to finish his next term with even greater accomplishments.

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