Saturday, June 17, 2023

(#5249) You have to find happy people to fill in your life

      I don't care what anyone brings into my life. As long as it is from a happy place. I have endured toxic relationships for the most part of my early life and never has it been a value to me. Nothing good comes from having negative or ignorant people sharing my limited time here in existence. It is okay to start from an ignorant position as long as that person or myself evolve from that ignorance. But for those who don't, who willfully remain ignorant by choice, then leave them out of your life. I know a lot of us are dependent upon people we would rather not associate with but remember, whatever help they may be giving you has to be weighed with your own personal sanity and mental well being.
     Of course there are abusive relationships that cannot easily be undone but making a start to undoing them is better than remaining in them. I know some people let their fear decide what to do but fear is not a tool you would have others see you utilize if you care anything about yourself and those who depend on and learn from you. Life is not a cookie cutter paradigm. Each of us has a duty to ourselves and those we care about. That duty requires us to remove ourselves from people who are not worthy of our presence. There is also the old saw about trying to fix broken people. Well that never works either. People are broken because that is what they chose to be. They need to make the choice as to how to fix themselves, not you. You cannot fix anything except your own self so stay focused on your own general welfare.
     It doesn't matter one wit to me who it is that I must remove from my life. Family, friends, whatever. Whoever is not being happy as a rule around me no longer gets to be around me. The one thing I can control is how I react and behave. Removing myself from those who are toxic or negative is my choice and I will always make that choice regardless of whom it is aimed at. We, each of us, must know for a fact that we do control our own destiny. Sometimes we are not clearly able at a given time but over some time we can make it so. So always work toward your own control of your life as much as possible and then enjoy the happy people whom you allow to be part of it.

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