Thursday, June 29, 2023

(#5261) We are all fractured souls

      I know this for a fact. Because you cannot live in this existence without having experienced pain and suffering from one degree to another. We also are all not receivers of everything we ever wanted. We also do not get away from the heartbreak over loss. Our souls are not those of our young youth when most of us had the innocence of our beginning. We learned that life is harsh and not as protective of us when we needed it most. We grew up to realize that whatever we get to do in life will largely depend on our own willingness to attain it and a modicum amount of luck. Some currently enjoy privilege and advantage but they also do not escape their souls being cracked or broken.
     All of this to say that nothing in life is a given except some of the simple things that are becoming less apparent. So instead of crying or getting angry about it we instead need to accept that in a world with 7.8 billion people in it we are not the center of it. We are just another individual in a huge pile of individuals. That statement about get busy living or get busy dying always sticks in my mind because it does cover a multitude of our decisions. I live in a world that has not promised me anything but is trying to give me an opportunity to strive for a possibility.
     All I have to do is put in the work and aim high to hope for it. Most likely I won't achieve it but occasionally I do. What you won't find with me is a quitter. I won't give up on life because it is hard or unfair. The hard I can accept for now but the unfair is something that I fight with all my might against. The unfair can be reversed and should be as quickly as possible. Because what we need in our democracy is fairness so that all can have a shot at their dream. I didn't say they would attain the dream but at least have a shot at it no different than anyone else.

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