Saturday, July 1, 2023

(#5263) If you vote for republicans you are the reason rights are being lost

      I know that bathrooms are the most important issue to many, especially to those who cannot accept transgenders, but letting who uses what bathroom to relieve themselves blind you to the loss of your many other rights is seeing the world with blinders and fetters on. Narrowly focusing on one issue that in all respects is a denial of rights to some as your reason for being a republican voter is indicative of your inability to prioritize an intelligent hierarchy of needs. Is losing the right to define your own destiny as a woman worth denying who can use what bathroom? Is losing the right to a correctively fair college admission policy worth your time being a bigot about bathroom access?
     I don't know about you but letting republicans keep legacy admissions to college safe from scrutiny while denying folks of color from evening out the playing field of college admissions is the most vile hypocritically omitted reasoning by any republican. So favor now resides with the majority of white applicants to college because they are the vast majority of legacy opportunists.
     This not supreme court has shown that it will deny people of color more often than not and protect white people more often than not. That is not color blind justice that is deliberate defining of solutions tailored to a specific group with intentionality. These 6 justices, all appointed by republican presidents, have shown that their perspective of we the people is not all inclusive of all of we the people. They construct their arguments to comport with their decisions not upon all the factors but only upon the factors they deem as relevant. This current majority court of 6 republican justices is an abomination to stare decisis and an abomination to the idea that grave matters need to be decided with wisdom and equality.

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