Tuesday, July 18, 2023

(#5280) We are quickly approaching one quarter of a million dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine

      As it stands this morning there are 239,000 dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine. If that isn't enough to convince you that putin is an evil rotten to the core bastard then you are as bad as him. 239 thousand mostly all young souls lost forever from their families and friends because putin wanted to be a big ass dictator! Well putin will not be a dictator nor will his ally trump here in the states. We here in America were fortunate to kick trumps ass out of office, despite his insurrection attempt, but Russia will not have the same outcome as we did. Russia will lose more that 250,000 before this putin invasion is over and that is a historical tragedy.
     Yet the Russian people have allowed this cruel outcome to continue by not overthrowing their demented dictator. So it is hard to feel sorry for the Russian people that have given their children for putin to grind up and spit out into no more. It is a sad state of affairs that the death of so many young, who had not begun to live to their lives in any meaningful way, was for such a dastardly motive as to eliminate a group of people from the Earth. Genocide is what putin wanted in Ukraine because they stood up to him and told him to fuck off! Free people wanting to remain free fight like hell cats and putin and his people are finding out the hard way.
     If only the Russian people had more of a backbone and the motivation to end this nightmare they are allowing to continue. But it seems they are satisfied with offering up their young to the likes of a corrupted and diseased mind of putin. Putting their faith in a madman is indicative of their own madness. No amount of propaganda can keep even inklings of the truth from getting out to them so not questioning why their children are now dead and more are being asked to go die in Ukraine isn't causing enough of a stir to confront putin in the ways of putin. If I were Russian and my children were being chewed up for nothing but putin/s ego I know what I would do in their memory!

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