Saturday, July 15, 2023

(#5277) We democrats don't brag, we just get good things done

      Unlike the lying cheating stealing republican party we democrats are honest and hard working. We don't work to rip people off or disadvantage those whom we deem less than equal. We instead treat all as equal and try to find the best way forward that reflects that effort. Which is why republicans go about lying all the time about our achievements. They have nothing to show for their agenda except to lie about how we democrats are making our world better. If you are unaware of this simple fact then you too need to get yourself an education on how things operate in this world. Every time you help elects a republican to office you are actually helping to wreck democracy in action.
     I am not saying that we democrats are perfect in our party, but it is an exception when someone of the democratic party fails at being a good honest leader. With republicans it is more the rule that they fail to be good honest leaders. The notion of liberty and equality are the foundation of democracy yet republicans spend all their time trying to limit who has liberty and equality in our society. That is not leadership of a noble calling it is instead a nefarious attempt to control the freedom and liberty of those many that are negatively affected by republican interference in our basic rights. The republican idea of liberty and equality is contingent upon the many of us doing what republicans want us to do instead of following our own destiny.
     Well the mind of an American is a stubborn one and we don't like being told how to live our lives when the choice is ours, not someone else's. We take our responsibility to our own happiness serious and will never suffer the fools who would con us into their unreal concepts. Yet some Americans are easily fooled by catch phrases and embellished rhetoric. A failing we Americans have fallen into is letting ourselves become less intelligent and more readily adaptable to the siren calls of those who would do us harm under the pretext of caring about us. No one cares about us who would deny our rights to our liberty and equality. Freedom in a society demands that we dutifully protect all our rights from every attack both from without and from within.

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