Thursday, July 27, 2023

(#5289) Trickle down economics does not work

      By giving the wealthiest among us extra money in hopes that they will share it fairly with their workers and consumers is a pipe dream. What the wealthy do with the extra money is invest it in banks that give them a return for their investment. No way does that money help the lesser well off in our nation but it does keep helping those who do have money to acquire even more money. So think of it this way, why pay a middleman money so that he can take a huge cut and then hand what is left over to those who need it? Why do that? Just give the extra directly to those who need it without using a middleman, or in other words, trickle down economics.
     The republican party has been running this scam economics on the American people for nearly 50 years with no good to come of it. Taxing the wealthy and investing that money directly into the states that house them is the best form of giving back to those who need the most help. There can only be a few wealthy out of all Americans so the ludicrous idea that we can all be wealthy is absurd. So instead of crying about how much tax the wealthy pay, which is a lot less than what they cry about, republicans need to start helping taking care of all of our society so that we all have a fair shot at a good and decent life.
     The republican party however will, at this stage, never admit that their trickle down economics is a complete failure because the wealthy are the ones who are the main supporters of the republican party. As such they are the greatest beneficiaries of the advantages that the corrupt trickle down economics provide. The greed that they are so infected by is another reason the republican party will never disown trickle down. Plus when was the last time you heard the republican party admit that they were wrong about a policy. Not in my lifetime! So the only way to stop the insane greed and power grabs by republicans is to vote them all out of office and give we democrats the control of not only preserving America's democracy but also of continuing a current economic boom that gives tax breaks to the working middle poor class while also enriching those very same wealthy but not by as much.

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