Thursday, July 6, 2023

(#5268) More than 232,000 dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine

      The tyrant putin thought that he would march into Ukraine and take what he wanted back in February 2022. Yet what he got taken from his country is far more sickening for his now daily nightmare. The tyrant putin has learned one thing he didn't know from his efforts, that free people will fight to remain free. It won't be long from now when there are one quarter million dead Russians from Ukrainian bullets and bombs. Like the hungry dog, putin was salivating over what he thought would be easy pickings in Ukraine. What he got instead was not a tasty meal, instead he is getting gored by his supposed prey.
     What Russia looks like after all of this is yet to be known but Russia will not be the same as it was before February 2022. First off the youth of Russia has been decimated. A whole generation of young men will not exist in Russia. Now putin wants to send more young men to their deaths in Ukraine and that is exactly what will happen. Yet that is not a foregone conclusion either. The Russian people still have time to stand up to their maddening tyrant. I don't expect they will because they have shown little resistance to date. But how many more young Russians must die for nothing will the Russian population take? Their sons are being killed by the droves everyday and yet nothing has been shown for it.
     Will another 232,000 have to die before the Russian fathers and mothers decide that enough is enough? Is the expectation of little or nothing so worth the lives of their children? It is shameful what the parents of those dead young men are allowing. Their tyrant leader putin is taking the one thing from them that they cherished the most and they still remain still in the face of it. My guess is that the broken nature of the Russian people will not allow them to rise up in courage to take down their psychotic leader. If what we are seeing from the parents of these dead Russian soldiers is what was instilled in their children then the Russian army has no chance of winning any war against a people who are fighting for their freedom.

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