Friday, July 28, 2023

(#5290) The republican party makes life hard for the working middle poor!

      What republicans are good at is making life hard. They restrict access to intelligence and opportunity and then denigrate those who are not capable of improving their lives. I saw a post online yesterday where a woman was condescending to people who are poor for being obnoxious and generally of bad behavior. Well I don't know too many people who are happy for not having much to live for. It is as if she expected them to be somehow grateful for their miserable plight in life. That is the typical republican attitude. They look down on people they should otherwise be trying to help. Unlike we democrats who know people who are poor are not displayers of grateful etiquette because of their bad circumstances.
     We democrats understand that trying to help those who have little is the least we can do. We see the bigger picture where the wealthy and corporations are reaping huge subsidies from our government that pales any help the poor get from our government. Yet those republicans who look down on the poor have little or nothing to say about the wealthy taking from our coffers without a need. I am reminded of the allegory of the cave where the republicans in this scenario are the ones who can only see the shadows on the wall and think they are real whereas the democrats see the puppeteers and rebel against them and their shadows.
     Condescending to poor people while looking the other way when the wealthy take hundreds times more from all of us is a typical republican strategy. The republican party makes sure our society is unequal and works hard through their policies that favor the wealthy at the expense of doing little or nothing for the poor. The republican party creates poverty and then blames democrats for helping those who are poor. In no Universe can this be a good thing for republicans yet they are good at marketing their ulterior motive of creating a class society to people who let their biases lead their thinking. An America where the wealthy rule and the working middle poor must get by on table scraps!

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