Monday, July 10, 2023

(#5272) Ukraine is fighting for their very survival

      It is strange to see unaffected persons trying to dictate the terms of the Ukrainian defense of their lives. It is typical in this day and age where arm chair quarterbacks give advice without actually having to follow it themselves. Surely if they were threatened daily with a horrible death their perspective would absolutely be altered. Russia is a monster right now, inflicting bombs on civilians in schools, hospitals and apartment building on a nightly basis. They are also using banned weapons on the front lines against Ukrainian soldiers. For these folks who have no dog in the fight so to speak to be dictating how Ukraine can defend itself is the height of stupidity on their part and an obnoxious sense of entitlement.
     Survival is an instinct that must be followed. If you were given an opportunity to end your imminent death with a weapon that would kill your murderer, you would not hesitate and debate with yourself, ask advice of someone not in danger if the weapon you use is agreeable to everyone. You would use it without a moments thought and then understand that your life is more precious to you than someone else's opinion of the weapon used to save your life. It sickens me really that there are people out there who think they should be able to tell you how to defend yourself against a monster! Sickens me!
     The Ukrainian people are living under a daily terrorist threat from putin. So keeping putin's henchmen from murdering them is why they need all the weapons they can accrue. Stop trying to manage someone else's despair and fear. The Ukrainian people don't need your judgement in how they struggle to survive when your judgement is what they can't do to survive. The audacity of some people is beyond the pale and should be stomped down when it misguidedly raises it head to utter foolishness. If we are to help Ukraine defeat the aggressor invading horde from Russia then give Ukraine every damn weapon they can use that will suffice to end the murderous Russian invasion and kick every Russian out of Ukraine!

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