Saturday, July 8, 2023

(#5270) No time for a blog post today so this is it

      I just saw that I didn't post a blog post today and that is somewhat surprising. I was busy this early morning with John and then the morning shopping and gas fill up. Then the yard work out back tired me out pretty good so with all that done I took a nap and then was busy watching a series on television to take my mind off all that has been happening lately. As well to give my swollen ankles a chance to recover from me being on my feet most of the morning. I was about to shut my computer off for the evening when I noticed the tab for my blog still up. Then the realization hit me, I hadn't done a post yet.
     It is crazy how I think about this blog. I expect myself to post something every day with no excuse. Yet it would be so easy to skip a day or two intentionally just to give my mind a moment of quiet in order to build up another subject in the interim. But no, that is not how I roll as it were. I expect myself to have a new or varied subject every day to expound about. The usual suspects of politics and war are being dissected daily by me so nothing Earth shattering exposed itself to me today. Politics is politics and the time for an in depth political analysis is not upon me yet.
     So what is left? My life of nothing much exciting going on except the grateful drudgery of duty and chore. I am satisfied with being a home body at my age since I was not that growing up. I actually did a lot of stuff when I was younger that today I could never do. So my golden years are not full of adventure and intrigue. My feet hurt and my body aches for the most part at the end of my part time work week so nothing much to talk about with that. I did slice my finger this afternoon cutting an onion but managing and treating that is no big whoopee so I guess this blog post is nothing much about anything other than filling in my time during this day.

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