Friday, July 21, 2023

(#5283) The greatest gift to me in my life has been my education

      I have spent some time trying to realize the greatest thing to happen to me in my life and I keep coming back to my education. From kindergarten to college degree I find that the information and teachings I received developed me into who I am. The young raw Carl was an innocent, eager to learn me. The older more refined Carl has benefited enormously from all those early life days sitting in classrooms learning how to think critically for myself. I learned early on that objective takes on reality were far more instructional than subjective positions that didn't include all the facts and truths.
     Much like what we have today in our classrooms and society at large. Being taught some of the truth while ignoring other parts of the truth does not serve anyone other than those who would control what people think. If we are all to think properly we need all the facts and truths not just those that mislead and corrupt. We have a republican governor in Florida who is now forcing the teaching that American slavery was a good thing for people of color. Even with the widest of deference given to this false conclusion there is no instance or circumstance where over 250 years of legal slavery was a "good thing" for those men, women, and children who were cruelly and brutally enslaved as property instead of being free human beings.
     The greatest gift in my life is my education and being allowed to think for myself after the facts and truths have been presented. I would not be sitting here at my home desk typing this blog post out otherwise. It is because I can examine reality with a panoramic view. I don't need anyone to think for me because I learned that taking in all the factors before creating a solution is the only way I can with any degree of certainty know what I am concluding is correct. Even then with new data and truths being discovered I know that my conclusions will need to be adjusted. Such is the evolution of information. The more we receive the more our previously held conclusions need to be questioned. Such is the nature of knowledge, ever adding to it's base while refining it's conclusions. That is the objective way!

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