Tuesday, July 25, 2023

(#5287) The 2 dominant human traits, compassion and curiosity!

     I want to spend some time on what I have learned are the two most dominant human being traits. By curiosity I mean wonder. We wonder what things are and why they are. So much we don't know yet we never seem to stop trying to learn. It is innate within us to discover and understand. Our curiosity is only rivaled by our care. We care for each other and for those living things around us. We see life in any form as precious and although some forms of life that we fear we also try to cope with, like spiders and snakes. Overall our human nature of compassion is exemplified by our love and how that affects us.
     When we are not practicing our curiosity and compassion we are not as human as we should be. By default we become something less enviable and less worthy of being appreciated for being human. There are many examples of human beings purposely avoiding these 2 natures and it reflects in their acts and thoughts. We see the worst of what a human can be when the more psychotic among us actually try to dictate to us how we should live. We shall never give up our right as a free human being to practice our true natures. We may not always be on top of our natures and sometimes we are dragged down to the level of those who would dominate us but that is only because we acquiesce or fight fire with fire.
      Outside of those who would deny us our compassion and curiosity we are living free to experience them to their fullest. We do not hide from the fact of their truth to us and neither should any warrior of the truth. We hold facts as evidence and protect those facts with our might. For those who also want to live within their natures of wonder and care then remember that the best of who we are is what we stand for and no amount of lesser than is worthy of our attention. For those who will not live in their natures, they fall into lesser forms of being like intentionally causing harm with no remorse. The lack of curiosity and compassion is an unfortunate opportunity for the worst of who we have been to rearise and drag us all back into our dark antiquity.

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