Wednesday, July 5, 2023

(#5267) We are all going to die so why not enjoy life as much as possible?

      There is no dispensation from death. It will happen to all of us at some point in time. I know that and you know that so why not take what time of life we have left and make the most of it in a satisfying way? I do every day. I talk about the short time I have left and it often catches people of guard. They tell me that I still have a decade or two to live and I shouldn't worry about dying. I retort back that if I am lucky enough to last another decade or two, many will not by the way, it isn't worry that is occupying my mind it is grasping each moment I have and trying to make the best of it. Whether a friendly greeting or a smile, I always have something to offer.
     Being optimistic helps as well because like we all should know life is hard on all of us. So being of help to someone else not only helps them even if only a little bit but it helps us as well. For me it is a known fact that I have had some harrowing close calls with an early death. But as luck and with some agility I have dodged those past moments of danger and here I am well into an age where more time is spent remembering deeds of the past than actually creating new ones. I have had a decent run on life so if it ended tomorrow I wouldn't feel cheated somehow. I am grateful for all the days I have had but I am not done yet.
     However life is not one of privilege nor deserves when it comes to our deaths. None of us will survive death so while we are alive our goal should be to be as happy as possible while making others around us happy. Living a good life of respect and honor is a start. Start your day with a smile or a hello and then let the day set the rest. In following my obligations and responsibilities I can still find that fun is out there. Being creative and positive is a great way to pass time during the mundane drudgery of our daily tasks. Focusing on my work while also allowing human interaction to be better than worse is my constant goal. The next thing I know my work for the day is done and people around me are better for me being there with them. Me too.

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