Saturday, July 22, 2023

(#5284) More sanctions on Russia!

      It isn't just Russia that needs to be sanctioned. There are other countries that are still supplying Russia with equipment and parts for warring. These sneaky countries need to be held to account. You cannot say one thing and then silently do another. That doesn't work with trust nor long term relations. I am not talking about any major ally or anything but some lesser nation states are playing fast and loose with their commitments to democratic protocols. Every extra piece of armament that is used in Ukraine against Ukrainians is just more unjustified death caused on the heads of Ukrainians.
     There will be a war crimes tribunal when this devastating illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine is eventually resolved. No bad actor will escape their uncovered participation in helping Russia with its attempted genocide of the Ukrainian people. A cost will be borne on the heads of those who sought out profit and/or favor with the tyrant putin. It seems incredible to me that any nation state would side with Russia when what Russia is trying to do is dominate the people's of other countries. But it seems that the allure of profit or the promise of power is to great for some to see through. That putin will not be long for this world why would anyone be expecting that putin can deliver?
     The Ukrainians will win the struggle for their sovereignty and no amount of greed or selfishness on the part of putin and his cabal of lowlife allies will change that. So what in the end will happen is that the death merchants who find putin's money enticing will find that there will be another cost that will not benefit them at all. That cost will be accountability. Each man or nation judged upon their actions not their words. What should happen however before the Russian invasion is eventually repulsed from Ukrainian soil is that all the aggressors and their partners need to feel the sting and pinch of an allied determined sanction list that not only makes them suffer at home with their citizens but with their own bank and investment accounts.

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