Wednesday, October 2, 2024

(#5722) America's promise to the world

      I know this much, the promise of America is to inspire and protect those who desire the fulfillment of democracy and individual rights. Our American promise is to all in the world to strive forward to a better existence. Without the chains of the past that shackled us to demands and service not within our scope of freedom, liberty, justice, and equality. We human beings are not property any longer in this enlightened reality yet there are still some who would not go forward into freedom without prejudice. There are some who see the world as their opportunity to control and manipulate to their desires devoid of any others' concern.
     Those who would destroy the intent of democracy are not without the ability to try with forces that are at times formidable. Which is why we who love the concept of democracy and its ever hopeful process of improvement must never relax in the face of the democracy destroyers. They are easily identifiable. They are tyrants, those who support tyrants, and those who have little emotion about anything that is positively indelible to the best of our human natures. We have such examples now in our American politics with republicans and their standard bearer trump. We also have other world examples like putin in Russia and maduro in Venezuela. Tyrants who would only protect themselves at all costs.
     Yet the tyrants are not much in the face of the rest of America and the world. We who are the majority in America will overcome the forces of tyranny displayed by republicans much like the world will eventually bring to a close the destruction by Russia and the deranged madness in Venezuela. Time is our ally in bringing America's promise to the world and even to ourselves. But we cannot lose the vigilance it takes to overcome the forces that are eager to take from all of us so that they can feel some unnatural sense of fulfillment. We are civilized in our societies and as such must act and react with bravery and courage to oust those who threaten us despite our fear of their perceived outlandish claims!

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