Monday, October 7, 2024

(#5727) Harris is battling trump at every turn

      Unlike in 2016, Vice President Harris is not giving trump and inch to spread his lies without being right there to counter them. Back 8 years ago unfortunately Hillary Clinton did not shadow trump lies with constant monitoring and he was able to sway just enough to swipe the election from her. Not this time. Harris has learned that lesson and does not give the blubbering buffoon trump any oxygen to himself. We learned in 2016 that the American electorate is not the smartest electorate in the world. Notwithstanding our previous ability to cull out the most egregious candidates in the past, we failed miserably in 2016 by letting a charlatan grifter hold our highest office.
     The price we paid was almost our precious democracy. Even yet our democracy is still in the crosshairs of trump and his republican sharpshooters. But this time Harris is aware of her charge to keep him from ever getting back to our presidency. Harris is relentless in her rebuttals to his never ending streams of invectives full of lies and misrepresentations. She does not let him say what he wants out of whole cloth with impunity. He has to answer for his claims when the unceasing absurdity of his words spill out from his undisciplined mouth. Unlike in 2016 when trump was able to spew to so many without a response from Hillary, he is now monitored and rebutted in a perpetual state.
     The only way to make sure that trump is defeated is to never leave a word he says without giving whoever his audience is a fact check with the more likely truth. You cannot leave trump alone to his own devices because he knows no bounds of civility, respect, nor honor that he won't manipulate for his own advantage, to everyone else's disadvantage. There are 29 days left until the election and the mantra of not sleeping until we are dead is in full swing. There can be no resting on trump when his desperation grows each day. He will work overtime to figure out a way to win because when he loses he knows he will either have to run away from justice or end up in prison where he actually belongs for his numerous adjudicated crimes.

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