Friday, October 4, 2024

(#5724) The soul of America is either still pure or rotten in its core

      I don't know how to otherwise understand what is happening. We democrats are doing all we can to live and exemplify what is best about our human species and the republicans are kicking dirt into the faces of all who are not like them. Yet the pollsters say this election is close. I disagree of course because I am a decent human being who believes the vast majority of us are decent human beings. Yet we still see a consistency over time telling us that too many would elect the scoundrel as our leader than the honest forthright woman who is exceptional in most every way imaginable.
     For me to understand how this can be is for me to suspend common sense and look at this election as if it were some deep rooted problem with democracy. The republicans would destroy democracy and that is not much of a question any longer. It has been buried in the republican agenda for at least 7 decades but is now finally being touted by them as a policy desire. What is so bad about democracy that nearly half the country, according to pollsters, would have it dismantled in favor of tyranny? Is it merely democracy getting a bad rap from the wealthy and their propaganda machinery? Or is there some inherent problem with equality, fairness, liberty, justice that too many feel is unobliging?
     My sense is that democracy is not uncooperative but rather more work than too many want to invest. Which to me seems very odd because I have always known that anything worth having is worth fighting to preserve, or earning through the hard work, and or talent, for success. Is it that those who oppose democracy are willing to sacrifice their freedoms so that they can have others decide their fate for them because of a perceived ease? Are they so enraptured of being led by anyone as long as they don't have to think about it? I have never known the human species to be so recalcitrant toward their own rights to be who they are within what they desire without causing harm. Yet I see too many now who not only wish to be led with their blinders on, much like cattle, but these too many also disregard the ideal of causing no harm by it.

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