Saturday, November 3, 2018

3 more days... (#3564)

     In about 72 hours and counting we will begin the final day of voting. If what has happened leading up to November 6th continues it will be the largest turnout in over 50 years for a midterm election. It won't be because trump has a lot of supporters, in fact, it will be because he is opposed by so many. His intentional ill treatment of the working middle poor class is but one area he has alienated himself from approval. His disdain and punishing policies aimed at women and immigrants is another area he has turned a somewhat disorganized grouping into a powerful force against him. The only good that has come from trump is his unintentional ability to galvanize so many in such a short time to rebuke him.
     So with the fact that voter registrations were up this cycle and young voters are being heard in amazing numbers is exceptional given our recent past. That women and hispanics are voting democratic with historic percentages is also something new to our generation of voters. What trump has essentially done is create such a negative force to himself and his republican lackeys that the democratic progressive and moderate policies that had previously fallen on deaf ears are getting revitalized in ways that are astounding. Not only is health care the number one issue among all voters but saving our social security is right there with it.
     The right wing hatred in America is not playing so well with the majority of Americans yet that is the peg that republicans have hung their hats on. Playing on nationalism like with the nazi's is not something we admire nor accept. In fact many more of us are still outraged that republicans would have sided with a philosophy that just killed 10's of millions of freedom loving souls during World War II. That republicans are in collusion with Russia and other dictatorships around the world doesn't reflect the American spirit of democracy nor fairness and justice. The republican party is headed for defeat at the polls come 3 days and nothing they do from here on out will ever change that.

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