Saturday, November 10, 2018

The mental breakdown of trump is coming (#3571)

     It is going to happen but the timing is the only thing in question. I expect it to happen a bit after the new congress is sworn in but it could happen before. He is such an egomaniac combined with being a childish bully that his tolreance level is lower than most people alive today. He will break in his mind and it won't be a pretty sight. Those who have been around him up until now have given us plenty of signs that trump is unstable and chaotic in his behavior. There will not be many good things on the horizon for trump so he will not get the adoring attention his narcissism craves. He will further crawl into his shell and when he does venture out it will be with bombast and pretention.
    The last of the people he knew coming into this election he surrounded himself with are leaving and he will have to trust new faces he doesn't know. Like I said, he will not be a happy camper nor a carefree soul. It would not even surprise me if he agrees to step down from the presidency because it isn't going to be fun for him anymore. He won't get his policies past the new democratic house without a boatload of compromises and watering down of his hateful agenda. I cannot see him kowtowing to democrats after he has lambasted us for 2 years. Contention would be a dream for him if that was all he faced in the future. But it isn't a dream, instead it will be a nightmare for him as the new House will tear apart his personal and professional life with a vigor that is only sated by exposing every rotten to the core act he has ever permitted or engaged in.
     If trump was smart, yet I know in my head and heart that he isn't, he would resign as quickly as possible. Yet what he is is cunning and devious so don't expect him to do anything that may tarnish or deny him of his bellicosity nor ability to profit off the backs of others. He will not go quietly into that good night as Dylan Thomas composed. Instead trump will lash out and deny with a ferocity any and all logic and common sense that dictates he take his leave from the center ring. Because like any really effective carnival barker he needs a stage to perform from and anything less than that would also dirvie him mad.

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