Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The day of the Democrat (#3567)

     The day has finally arrived and we are ready for it. Enough of the trumps and their boot licking servants in the republican party. Enough with the followers of trump who would rather hail nazi's than be patriots of democracy. Enough of the wealthy who care not a whit about the planet we live on or the souls who are ruined by their greedy actions. Enough! Today we democrats will serve notice through our votes that trumps and republicans are the illness and we are the cure. There will be nothing like the resolute determination that started about 2 years ago with the installation of a person for president and republican party that has no care for all of it's citizens. We democrats will vote in droves and shock the prognosticators who cannot measure nor understand the depth of our unsettledness.
     By the end of this evening most of Americans and the free world will heave a sigh of relief that sanity and goodness have returned to the shores of America. We had to do it ourselves as we are the ones who control whether we vote or not. At least for this moment because if the republican party were given more time in elected office they would surely deprive more of us than they have already of our franchise to vote. This really is a "no duh" moment in that it should be obvious and easy to understand why democrats need to be put in charge but as we all know sometimes the obvious and  easy become chaotic and unfathomable.
     But that won't happen here as since the first women's march back when trump was appointed to the presidency we democrats, independents and like minded republican voters have not lost our focus on the bigger picture. Try as the trumps and republicans did to change our narrative they only succeeded in making it more clear. Their ending begins today and will follow through into 2020. Much like when Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was attacked in an unprovoked way, the slumbering America electorate has been poked and we are awake, ready and growling for the only rememdy at hand, our vote!

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