Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Lost my cat yesterday afternoon found her this morning (#3581)

     Like most things in life a gut punch eventually heals. Yet mine healed earlier than I could have reasonably hoped for given the circumstances. My girl kitty/cat Betsy went missing yesterday after noon and after searching all her little hidey spots I could not find her nor did she eat any of her food. I know my little kitty by now and her food would not have gone untouched had she been around. So off into the evening and late night I went with a terrible feeling of loss even though it had only been about 10 hours since I had seen her. Yet I couldn't sleep so I got up around midnight and searched some more but still no luck.
     I finally feel asleep at about 3:30 and awoke around 5 and still she had not returned. So I went outside again in the backyard and began to search with the flashlight and by lowly calling out "meow". Well to my amazement I heard a return meow however it was faint. So I shut down my mind and closed my eyes and meowed again and this time I heard it more clearly. Although I didn't know specifically where it came from I did have the general direction. So I closed on the neighbor's yard with all the big German Sheppards and meowed again. This time I heard it more clearly and it was from above in the tangle of a couple of Oak trees in the neighbor's yard and in the Arcade creek preserve area that borders both of our backyards.
     So I got my 20 foot ladder and set out into the creek area to scale what I thought was the tree she was in. Well it turned out she was in the neighbor's tree and before I could get through our shared man gate in our shared fence, I heard some rustling in the branches above and then a thunk as she dropped about 10 feet to the top of my neighbor's metal shed. She was alright and began to look to get out of that yard back to mine and her brother cat Artie. All of this happened at about 6 in the morning so my neighbor's dogs were still inside but I sure could here them barking. Well we got out of their yard and back into our house where Betsy voraciously devoured her morning breakfast. A chaotic and stressful hour first thing this morning but all in all a very happy ending to it. :)

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