Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Are there any decent republicans left in Congress? (#3589)

     This has always been a troubling realization for me. Mainly because despite what political party you are advocating for, you are still foremost an evolved human being. But it seems that being an evolved human being isn't worthy of it's comprehensiveness to republicans. What their theory about life seems to be is that there are only so many who are worthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the criteria is an unfair cruel and ruthless evaluation. The humanity of the human experience is relegated to inconsequential by the republican hierarchy. Which begs me to again address why has this happened to republicans and how can they justify their own humanity?
     I hear them talk about how they respect and honor all of life but it is their actions that betray their speech. So what is it worth to them to portray themselves as compassionate while doing the opposite of compassionate in real time acts? The axiom that best explains their narrative is the old saw about "do as I say not as I do". A privileged and advantaged outlook that distinguishes a separation of humanity into different paradigms. The idea of equality is only one that applies to them not to those they deem less than them. A separation of our species into categories by scale and scope of worthiness or not. Who gave repubpicans the right to play as a god when they were elected to govern at our request?
     The question that also bothers me is why is it that republicans can fail to serve our nation's interests based upon our constitution and still be allowed to govern? The simple answer is that we voters are not knowledgeable enough to understand the significance of self rule as the golden rule and instead have abdicated our thinking over to those who would tell us they know what to do. The traditional and familiar taking what is evolving and telling us that it isn't. We the American voter have failed our duty to be a rational and objective citizen worthy of our own conclusions based upon facts and logic. Instead we trust in those who would tell us that they know what is best for us and just let them take care of us as if we are not able to fend for ourselves. It seems to work as too many still just ignore knowledge, facts and logic and instead vote with their traditional belief that someone else knows better than they do.

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