Sunday, November 18, 2018

Forcing trump, and the courts are our only hope (#3579)

     There is no reasoning nor trying to expose a sympathetic side from trump. He has his agenda and it isn't about him sharing our nation with us. He wants it all for himself and no amount of debate nor pulling at what should be his heart strings will work. He has been compromised in such a way that the only avenue left for us to travel with him is through force. Putting pressure on him in a continuous way is the last ditch effort we have. Not that I expect he will cave to pressure but it is what galvanizes us to coalesce as a united party in preparation for the next general election. The courts remain as the only check to this president at least until our new majority in the House is sworn in.
     As to the courts we have seen an unexpected non partisan approach in many decisions. This surprises me in that the republican fever has been seen to have no boundaries. Yet the full weight of a conservative supreme court has yet to deal us the reality we all expect it will do eventually. The decisions it is going to make concerning the values our society desires have not yet been adjudicated in a demonstrative way. But again, force by the majority of our nation against the unraveling of equality, justice and fairness is our last bastion until we can remake our high court into a much more objective one. As the incompetent trump goes about his disdain for humanity that is not himself we the people have to find it within us to not let him get anything from what is left of us.
     That we have as a nation survived the first two years of trump is remarkable in my estimation. I had figured we all would be living in a chaotic ruthless existence if at all by now. I know that sounds extreme but it doesn't take much from a cruel appointed head of state, bolstered by a lackey in power congress and courts to undermine all that is welcoming and egalitarian. The republican party cannot discipline itself to be accountable nor honorable so it is up to the rest of us to make them not do what they want when they want. Our pressure back at the ego maniac in the form of trump is all we have left until the House, the courts and the sheer force of our American electorate can rebut him to be less a dictator and inhumane soul.

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