Thursday, November 1, 2018

5 days to go! (#3562)

     October has come and gone without a republican surprise calculated to throw the election away from the American people. But what republicans aren't getting through with some strategically timed event they are trying to make up for by lying about most everything that doesn't make them look like the monsters they are and instead claiming the monsters are really democrats. I know this strategy won't work because it is only red meat for their own voters. Their voters will vote for them no matter what so it is really much ado about nothing. Most all the rest of us vast majority of Americans against republicans can see through it because we have actually been punished by them. Telling us that others are responsible for our torture is ridiculous when we all saw republicans torturing us.
     The republican party is also spending enormous amounts of wealthy people's money to try to offset as many of the losses they know they will have in congressional and state house races. It will work to some degree because there are too many of us who do not fact check ads on television or radio like we should. But still, the vast majority of us do and not only that it is easier to spot false advertisements because again, we are living through the truth of our pain caused by republicans right now. Always a good rule of thumb many of us employ is to find out who paid for the advertising? Also, when it comes to propositions, measures and initiatives, we check to see which political party is proposing it. Life is real simple and far more correct when we stand by our political party and subscribe to their messaging and not the special interests and wealthy donor class.
     Politics is really not that hard to figure out once you understand the nature of our democracy. Our form of government is conceived on the premise that equality, fairness and justice are not to be diminished in any form that violates the integrity of any of them. Which political party comes closest to that ideal? We, and that means all of us, are not perfect but those of us who strive to be perfect are the best choice to lead our nation into the present and future. There is only one major party left in the American political system that is representing all of Americans and it is the Democratic party. So in the next 5 days don't forget who is trying like hell to destroy our democratic ideals and who is trying to secure democracy for all and vote for every democrat on your ballot and any and all reasonable propositions, measures and initiatives from the democratic party as well.

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