Wednesday, October 31, 2018

6 days until the crying trump (#3561)

     Just like a baby, trump will be whining his little head off. He will blame anyone else but himself because that is what spoiled children do. Intellectually and emotionally he never grew up and despite the great advantage he started out in life with never took the initiative to mature and gain objective comprehensive knowledge. He is a simpleton by far, not an idiot like he often shows. Of course just ask him and he will tell you how large his brain is and the many genius thoughts he often has. Yet I judge the character of a person by his deeds and somewhat less by his words. On both counts trump has shown that his words are a lie while his actions speak volumes about what a cad he is.
     The crying has already begun with trump in that he has said that if the republicans lose the midterms it is no fault of his but if they carry the day it is all because of him. Childish to the very end I am sure trump will be. He is old enough now that for him to change into a decent human being is nearly impossible. Which is why we need to never relent in our pursuit to negate his personal and public vendetta against the working middle poor class in what time he has left in office. Shortly we are going to see the combined efforts of the backbone of America rise up and confront the trumps with a resolute momentum unseen in modern day American politics. He has unleashed our vigor and hubris in ways that can only come about through being shocked to our core.
     So his crying that has already begun will soon be that which is similar to the blue tsunami wave that is about to descend on his short lived era. That he has already caused damage is undeniable yet to put and end to further damage is now our constant prerogative. We must all get out and vote much like we are doing now in the early voting stage of our national election. What else must be done is to vote for every democrat on the ballot, giving republicans nothing as a reward for their tearing at the rich vibrant fiber of our national heritage. We are done with trumps as a national and world disgrace and having a real Congress of the people in charge is now the first step toward preserving our precious democracy.

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