Monday, October 29, 2018

8 days left to defeat the republicans (#3559)

     This week is huge for our early voters to get out and vote. Waiting until election day November 6th to vote is unnecessary and could become problematic. Any numerous things in life could stop us from our plans as we all know. So procrastinating is not to be borne when this election is so critical to the life of our democracy. I know I will be upset if we don't have 100% of our registered democratic vote cast for all of our democratic politicians. I know that is unrealistic but that is just how I am. Nothing less than everything all of us can do to vote for every democrat running is just unacceptable to me. I am a hard task master on this issue but I know just how devious and manipulative republicans can be when they control the opportunity for us to vote and the counting of the votes.
     We must get our votes in early so that there is time to rectify any shady acts by republican traitors to democracy. Yes, anyone who would manipulate the votes of our citizenry to their advantage is a traitor. Even those who accept foreign help to lie, cheat and steal our votes is a traitor and must face the extreme justice reserved for just such betrayal. So vote now and make no more excuses for not doing so. There are many opportunities to vote and if we must give up some desire to make it happen, even our work for the day, we must sacrifice whatever it takes because in the long run the loss of one days wages will pale in comparison to what we will lose if republicans maintain control of our government.
     What lesson we should all have learned from the 2016 general election is that there can be no complacency when it comes to casting our ballots. The urgency to do so is obvious and clear. We must justify our honorable principles for democracy and the only way that can be done is through our vote. Remember, republicans are all about deny us the vote and each election cycle they are able to disenfranchise our electorate with laws that beneath the surface lie about the true intent of their purpose. We should be guaranteeing the rights of our electorate, not diminishing them. But as we all should have found out by now, republicans don't think of all of us as Americans, only themselves who reflect the light in a white caricature sort of way.

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