Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Getting old sucks but working around the house at least gives me some satisfaction despite the physical price I pay (#3546)

     I feel so tired so much of the time now that I am getting near my sell by date. At least some of the time I feel alive and full of vigor but those times are less than the times I can't wait to take a nap. I get a lot of grief from those who are a generation older than me who are still running around like spring chickens but there are not a lot of them that are so fortunate. People like me who labored hard through life and piled up the injuries, aches and pains that go with hard labor are not so fortunate. That is the problem with living life fast and hard, it does tend to come crashing down hard on those of us who survive the wild and chaotic trip.
     I am not complaining mind you as many of my contemporaries did not survive their hard and fast lives. And truth be told despite the chronic nagging aches and pains I still enjoy being alive and participating in my own life. It is just that the aches and pains seem to be growing exponentially in their annoyance to me. I have cut back on my hurried lifestyle to just plodding along but even my plodding is fast and furious at times. So despite my advancing caution I still get myself into situations where I push too hard physically and then pay the price with the consequences. My trouble is I have much to do around this old house and not a lot of time and money to do what I would like to do so laboring is about the only thing I can afford without penalty except for the physical price I pay.
     This home of mine may not be as modern as I would like but at least it is mostly clear and clean. Elbow grease I have and selectively some upgrades can be made with smart budgeting. Nevertheless I do appreciate what I have and those who went out of their way to help me achieve it so complaining like I am doing here is a bit childish. I hope to be able to employ a more efficient strategy for my labor and the physical cost that labor demands of me as I still have enough hubris left in me to fight against the tide of older age and diminishing physical abilities. Despite the getting old sucks part I am fortunate to have some moments of triumph to comfort my weary soul.

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