Sunday, October 21, 2018

16 days until we start getting justice (#3551)

     The time is getting closer now with only 16 days left to vote in this midterm election. It seems that the republican October surprise is to buy up massive amounts of advertising on all the media outlets and lie their asses off about the horrible things they are doing and the horrible things they will do after the elections. I have already countered that strategy by not watching or listening to media that advertises their corrupt practices. I have also already voted so no matter what they do from here on out I am immune to it as it relates to trying to sway my vote. Which is why I keep encouraging all our voters to get out and vote as soon as the possibility presents itself regardless if it is convenient or not.
     It still amazes me that there are people out there who are not only gullible to the two faced republican messaging but that they cannot yet see or understand that the republican party is unscrupulous in its continued attempts to stoop to the lowest of lows to lie and cheat their way to power. Life teaches us common sense in a variety of ways but we have to want to apply it to our lives. How it is that so many don't is troubling and the real genesis of republican manipulation. Our educational systems are broken and republicans are the root of that by starving our public systems of funds and enlarging private institutions so that they have greater control in creating the narrative for the information being taught.
     So in 16 days we will know if the great awakening of democrats to get involved in our political process after the 2016 national election is successful. The republicans now know that they are behind in many races and will undoubtedly spend 100's of millions of dollars everywhere to convince us that we are the problem not them. Well, they have had the political power over the last 2 years to do what they wanted and now they must be held to account for their condescension and cruelty. The voting has begun and tomorrow it will start in many many more areas so do not wait to vote. Do not give the republicans the opportunity to confuse and misdirect us from our mission to make them pay for their acts of already punishing us for their sickening pleasure.

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