Thursday, October 18, 2018

19 days until the first reckoning (#3548)

     What this current appointed president is doing to America is dastardly. He is not an honorable man, he is a conman who has little to no compassion for other human beings. Every day some connection to some nefarious act or behaviors emanates from his existence. He treats others with a disdain and condescension unrivaled in our American politics. He has the lackeys in charge of congress to help him along with his rotten core vision. I am utterly stunned and angered at his continued assault on our constitution and our rules of law yet he has no care in the world as he breaks these legally binding restrictions like he is flicking a flea of his smoldering personal stink.
     The voting has already begun and it is going like gangbusters all over the country. More and more states are starting their early voting processes and the indications from what has already been going on since the very first special election way back in 2016 is that we democrats are making ourselves known like we should have in 2016. The greatest mistake of our lives was the disinterest we democrats had in voting 2 years ago. But we can and will rectify that mistake beginning a few days ago when the early voting got under way. Given that we all know that republicans have long been after making voting hard and near impossible for those who are not them, our political party has been eager to vote as soon as the opportunity becomes available, so I have no doubt that most of the early votes are going to democratic candidates.
     Because we know if we wait until November 6th to vote any number of strategic republican obstacles will come up to keep us from the voting booth. So voting early is our safeguard to ensure that our votes count. The idea of a blue wave in this election is more than an idea to me it is happening as I write this post. We the heart of America are done with the conmen of the republican party and their never ending lust for power and wealth. Our nation is more than the greedy bastards who are now trying to force their con on us and the world. In 19 days the beginning of the end for trumps and his stench in congress will commence and because of that my real fear that the trumps and his acolytes would kill us all is getting less certain.

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