Wednesday, October 24, 2018

13 days to stop republicans from suppressing our vote (#3554)

     The fact that republicans are suppressing minority voters who generally vote for democrats is undeniable at this point. They have been doing it for years with some clever messaging about practically non existent voter fraud plus using the guise of cutting back early voting hours to save money. But as we have seen, they never inhibit the wealthier areas of our nation, for one because they usually vote republican and secondly they are domestically stable and therefore can use the mail in absentee balloting that keeps them from ever having to go to a polling station. That the poorer among generally vote democratic and we have a more transient electorate the removal of polling stations is critical because fewer of us can vote by mail.
     But by far the biggest racket republicans have going on is their voter purging strategy and their exact match mail in voting restrictions. Given that an infinitesimal amount of voter fraud actually occurs is no reason to disenfranchise potentially millions of legal voters as a cure. Unless of course your purpose is not to combat the unlikely event of a few voter fraud attempts but to stop your opponent from voting against you. Occam's razor would suggest that the latter is the reason. For so many years now that this has been going on it is without question anymore the true intent of the republican party is to win without the consent of the majority. Power and wealth drive republican politics so it isn't a stretch to think they would want to keep power and wealth at all costs.
     So the only way we have to stop the republican party of further damage to our voting systems is to oust them in 13 days. I thought for sure that the 2016 election was our most crucial given the vast differences in the two major party candidates and the implications for the supreme court for decades, yet I have been surprised to find out that this coming election is now even more critical in that if we don't stop the complete control of power by the republicans they will then act like they have a mandate for their democracy crushing policies and even our right to vote will no longer be a right when they are through. The republican party wants to be the only political party in America and they will not stop trying to make it so despite any illegality they have to perpetrate.

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