Sunday, October 14, 2018

More than 57 million voted early in the 2016 general election (#3544)

     Will we get close to that figure of more than 57 million early voters for this 2018 midterm election? I would not be surprised at all if we did. In fact I would be surprised if we didn't. I know that 2016 was a presidential election and we ended up with an appointed president, but the anger and determination most of us have against the said appointed president is so thorough that a larger than normal turnout is at least expected. Furthermore many have forgone waiting in lines or being told to travel long distances to vote on the traditional voting day that when they can early vote through mail and at conveniently located polling stations, they will.
     Especially since republicans have shown that they will stoop to cheating, lying and stealing wherever they can to mitigate the national uprising against them. So many have taken to voting early by mail and recording the information from their ballots as proof of their vote. We honorable Americans who believe in democracy have to make sure we are part of the solution to the problem republicans are creating for our nation so voting is an imperative. Early voting even more of an imperative since it takes the odds of us voting on election day right out of the equation. Many of us have already voted so our duty is complete and the personal satisfaction on our faces is evident.
     In this election cycle there is no doubt as to whom to vote for since it is a democratic wave we are attempting to construct to offset the horrid decisions by trump and his acolytes in the ruling republican party. There is no wavering in how to vote so getting our voting done is the greatest priority. Since many of us have completed our duty we are freed up to help others get their votes counted as well. Whatever it takes to get our voters to the finish line is what all we democrats have to focus on. Whatever sacrifice we have to make that doesn't kill us is worthy of consideration. There is nothing more important in life at all than voting in this election so the sooner the voting is done the better our lives and our democracy will be.

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