Saturday, October 20, 2018

17 days left to survive (#3550)

     No one knows how much can happen in the next 17 days but I suspect that if republicans had a smoking gun surprise they would have already brought it forth. My reasoning is simple, because the voting has already begun and millions of ballots have been cast and every day many more millions are following. The republican party cannot feel good about it's current position so it would seem that their dirty tricks extend only to voting purges and poll closings as their strategy for winning. They certainly don't have a political or social message that is attractive or imaginative to win over the vast majority of us in the working middle poor class.
     I have been through enough of these elections to know that the republican party is never to be underestimated in their attempt to hijack this election over these last 17 days before the final counting begins. I still expect something even if it becomes nothing from them. They have already tried mightily by allowing outside interference into our voting tabulations and have denied our national government the resources to protect the integrity of our vote counting systems. Yet the states have mostly done some good work here in securing our elections given the nefarious acts committed 2 years ago by trump friendly russian hackers.
     So I encourage everyone to vote now and do not procrastinate because what could happen is still possible and we must make sure that all our votes are recorded for counting. Early vote at any opportunity regardless of the inconvenience. Nothing is more important in the existence of our humanity than the upcoming election. The republican party will negatively change the course of our history if they are validated at the voting booth in 17 days. So let's make sure that we can back away from the crumbling brink they have pushed us toward and vote democratic so we can get back on a solid pathway of normalcy and progress. Nothing is more important in life than right now voting to solidify our democracy away from the carpetbagging republicans and their authoritarian desired rule.

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