Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hopefully if they "love" you let them go and they will come back (#3540)

     Well I put this into motion yesterday and this morning I was pleasantly surprised to see them both back. I may be referring to my two feral kittens/cats but the adage holds. And instead of love I think it has more to do with comfort, security and especially food and water. But I will take it since it is all I have to cling to. I gambled yesterday that they wouldn't just take off for sights and scenes new and adventurous. I got them both at about 4 months and they had just been trapped the day before so their whole existence has been predicated by living on the streets for their survival. They have been with me for about 3 weeks and in that short time I have bonded and it appears they have bonded with me as well.
     It was a bit dicey this morning to wake up and not know if they were sleeping in their spots or outside galavanting around. This neighborhood is dangerous to small animals as many bigger aggressive ones are all around. But it seems my young cats know enough for today to be back home with their food and their familiar surroundings. I have doggie doors for my dogs to go in and out as they need and trying to regulate those doors because of my hesitancy to let the young cats, Artie and Betsy, roam at will would have been almost impossible. I had to trust that their instinct to stay would outweigh their instinct to go and so far so good.
     I treat my animal children with the best of care I can provide and love so that they feel like they belong here and it seems to be working on my two little newcomers. I often talk to them to let them know that this is their house and they have this safe place for the rest of their lives but I also know the inquisitive nature that both we humans and felines share in abundance. So giving them the opportunity to make a break from me is just part of what the life cycle is all about. They were not ready to go outside those first few weeks but just in the last few days they have been testing their strength in pushing through the flap of the doggie door so I knew they would be going soon. This morning was the test and it seems that we all passed it at least for today on our way to becoming a larger little family.

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