Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Being human in an inhuman trump era (#3532)

     I find myself reflecting on the happiness within my own walls and it makes me feel guilty because I know that there are tens of millions who are struggling so desperately to have a decent life. I have worked hard to get where I am and mostly it came about before the trump fiasco. But so many who are younger and many who are older are not so fortunate. But I understand that it isn't my fault and that soothes my aching somewhat. I try to remember that me being an example of a simple man who can find happiness easily within the confines of very little is a good thing. I can be happy and not feel like I am being selfish.
     For one thing I am a steely eyed advocate to end the rule of republicans everywhere. Because I know that they are the root of all our major problems and the obstacle to all our solutions. I cannot say it in a more profound way than this, quit voting for republicans and vote for every democrat on your ballot. The republican party has exposed it's nature and it is a nature that is rife with anger, greed and hatred. We democrats have for the length of my lifetime wanted nothing more than a fair and just society that respects merit and disavows privilege and advantage. An egalitarian society that has no color line nor gender bias. We want all of human life to have a pursuit of happiness that is free from the agenda of republican egoistic condescension and false judgment.
     I choose to live my life as a free human being because that is my nature to be free. So why wouldn't we all want the same since our true natures are ones of compassion and curiosity. We can only live as free beings if we take our good nature and thrust it out for all the world to see. The human experience is being subjected to a belittling from the trumps and that is uncalled for. So our duty to not only protect democracy from outside and within, but to safeguard our humanity from the likes of trumps is more than a duty, it is a demand! Our demand will take the shape of a mighty force come this November 6th when we evolve our rebuttal to all the trumps into votes that will subject the trumps to the true force of our nation, we the people!

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