Saturday, October 13, 2018

24 days and counting... (#3543)

     I have already voted but the last day to vote is in 24 days. It feels good to have made my mark on the history of our United States this cycle since it is such an imperative. 46.9% of eligible voters did not vote in 2016 and we ended up with the worst appointed president in the history of our nation. That is what shirking our duty to be involved in our democracy has gotten us. The worst possible outcome for us as a nation was the republican control of our political, legislative and judicial institutions. Yet in 24 days we can begin to rectify that error in judgement. It won't be easy since we see how republicans are making voting as difficult as possible under their watch.
     Yet we can still override their obstacles simply by focusing on our own duty to vote and getting it done regardless of the obstruction. It is still possible for most all of us to vote and we had better exercise it or otherwise we may shortly find our right to vote has been denied. Under the guise of protecting against the infinitesimal chance that there is actual voter fraud, republicans have now denied the right to vote to millions of otherwise non republican eligible voters. The audacity of it should have been enough to stop it but with republican control of the supreme court it has been allowed to continue. The lockstep agenda of the republican party has effectively infiltrated all possible oversight institutions that could have stopped this anti democratic behavior.
     So what is left is for all of us who voted last time and those who didn't by voting this time to put a stop to all republicans from furthering their public positions. We can vote for every democrat or in some cases independents on the ballot thus denying a large amount of current republican officeholders from being reelected. The only way we can purge the republicans from office is to take them out at each election cycle. By 2022 we should have accomplished that goal and with that we will finally be able to move our nation forward on the basis of democratic principles.

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