Monday, October 8, 2018

We the people NOT we the trumps (#3538)

     The arrogance of trumps is not in dispute. The degree by which he is arrogant can be debated but there is no doubt in my mind that he is more arrogant than not. I have been calling him a wannabe little dictator since he was installed and it still holds true. Not only does he want unlimited power but he wants us the people to kneel to him. I won't do it at any cost. Death is preferable to being a subject of his. Yet death isn't the only option here. We can stop the little maniac before he consolidates any more power. The coming election in 29 days allows us to change the dynamic of power in Congress. Staying focused on voting democratic in every race is our task and despite the clever advertising republicans use to attempt to fool us, our final act is to vote and vote only for democrats.
     Because in the end it is all about what republicans have done. They have worked to end women's rights; degrading our voting rights; reducing and eventually destroying the social security and medicare/medicaid contract; denying us the right of education and fair pay while keeping our natural resources all for themselves. They want to divide us along class, gender and color lines as if the 19th and 20th centuries never existed. So no matter how clever and witty their advertisements are on television, radio and print, they are beholden only to themselves not representatives of those of us who thought we lived in a democracy. So remember that there is always the end game here, your vote and if you make sure you vote for every democrat on the ballot then you will have overcome their attempts at lying and deception.
     We are a smarter people than what republicans give us credit for. They think that the last 2 years of stifling our rights and punishing us for not being them is forgotten. The republican party thinks they know us better than we know ourselves. They think that we will be happy to let them dictate to us how and why we choose to do what makes us happy. The republican party has the unmitigated gall to tell us lies while saying it is truths. The time for their reckoning is coming and it won't be us turning into them, it will be them getting their just due for all that they arrogantly tried to steal from us. The voting has already begun and in 29 days it will culminate in our push back against their tyranny and traitorous acts.

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