Tuesday, October 23, 2018

14 days is all we have to vote (#3553)

     From the women's march back in January 2017 to now we who have been gut punched by the trump appointed presidency have had to heal and then work our tails off to raise awareness of the hideous nature of the trumps and his acolytes. Well 2 weeks from now we will see how well we did to make sure we were prepared to end the complete domination of our government by the trumps. We have already started voting and although our enthusiasm has been record breaking republicans have not been just sitting back letting it happen. They are starting to come out in force to try to offset our onslaught. We outnumber them however along with many independent voters so despite their last minute attempts to combat their comeuppance we will drown them in their punishment.
     We have seen what a trump leadership looks like and it something that is beyond our worst expectations so the impetus to change that is at least on the surface, recognizable. But we have seen with our electorate, more is needed to motivate them even when it is obvious that life is and will get much worse. So we marched and talked and posted information for all to see that the importance of voting is never to be underestimated because that is how we got trump and his despicable enablers to begin with. For nearly 2 years we have been feeling the disappointment day in day and out from what our lack of duty to our vote has cost us. In 14 days no more!
     But our chance to rectify our poor judgement in not voting to secure the Clinton presidency is about to get a reprieve. We cannot replace trump with Clinton but we can ensure that no legislation of a demoralizing democracy killing nature ever leaves the White House with trumps signature on it. We will have taken from him his get out of jail free card and begin to make him pay for his numerous crimes. The end is near my friends for trumps and many republicans who enabled him who are up for reelection will soon find that they no longer have a job in the public trust. Because we the people are their masters whether they accept that logic or not. 14 more days and then we the people will begin to construct the ending of trump himself in the 2020 election.

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