Thursday, October 11, 2018

26 days until we count the votes. (#3541)

     I am just in such an anticipation for the November 6th reckoning for republicans. I remember like yesterday thinking about how 100 days until the vote was just a moment away and now it is only 26 days. The time is flying toward our democratic blue wave election and I am like all the rest of us just itching for it to hit. I know and expect a trumpian republican October surprise from them but at this point they haven't got anything to fight back against us hard enough to stop the inevitable weight of our momentum. We also have a surprise for them and several things could happen to further their expected crushing losses.
     So even if we call the October surprises a wash, the tumult coming at republicans will smack them hard. The House is going to be a democratic one and the Senate is still within grasp. Yet even if we don't win the Senate, we will have started on a path toward holding funding over what trump and his conspirators try to do with our treasury. The investigations from the House will also begin to expose the traitors who have been hiding behind republican obstruction. The republicans in the Senate will not be immune to investigations and the slim majority that republicans may enjoy there will soon find itself in jeopardy.
     26 days and the voting has already begun. So many of those I interact with have let it be known that voting straight ticket is done. This midterm election will be an anomaly from past elections in that the turnout will be unprecedented and largely due to increased democratic enthusiasm. The trumps have done their deeds against us who are in the working middle poor class and now we will tell them what we think and feel in such as way as not to be misunderstood. The reckoning the republican party deserves is just a few short weeks away and for most of us it cannot come soon enough!

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