Sunday, October 7, 2018

30 days and less (#3537)

     Many have already cast their early ballots. So it will be over the next 30 days until the voting ends. So if you are planning on voting this is your time. If you are not planning on voting then you are the ones who give your power to people like the current republican party. So don't cry or be dismayed when they take your power and use it against you. You let them because you were either too lazy or too indifferent to care. Another consequence of you not voting is the burden you put on the rest of us to carry your load. You may not mind that we have to make the world better for you but you make it harder for us by not voting.
     The old adage of "many hands make light work" is absolutely relevant here. The more of us who activate by registering and actually voting the better the outcome for all of us. As we have seen over the last few weeks is our involvement or not in voting has tremendous consequences. The lesson given to us yesterday is that when bad people get power they don't stop being bad. They will make things their way despite their obligation to serve we the people. Their arrogance and in this case paternalistic demands have won the day and further stripped our democracy of its equality, fairness and justice. Yesterday was a dark day and in that darkness the worst of our natures gained further power and it will hold sway over us for at least another generation.
     But for now all we can do is focus on the next 30 days and get our electorate registered and voting. The victory we could have in 30 days could be amazing and because if it comes about we will stop the slide into the depths of political despair. Our hope is all around us and to be perfectly clear it is what we have all been waiting to create. So get out there and vote today, tomorrow and all days afterward if your state allows you to vote early. Do not procrastinate nor abdicate your right to be an
American citizen with the privilege and duty to vote. It absolutely will be what saves your and our futures.

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