Friday, October 26, 2018

11 days now (#3556)

     I am nearly at the end of ending the double digit countdown toward the final count of our votes to see just how much our blue wave will sweep republicans out of office in it's undertow. One thing we have seen is that the republican voters are not going quietly into the goodnight. They are coming out and early voting both in person and by mail in balloting. However, that is all they have as an October surprise to try to thwart our vote from coming out. They think that by trying to show they are actually a red wave they will dishearten us. Well let me tell you that their early onslaught at the ballot box is going to wane and what will be left is very few of them actually left to vote on November 6th.
     Meanwhile our democratic and friendly independent voters are steadily keeping pace with in person early voting and mail in voting and the pace we are setting will not wane as we have many more voters than republicans do. Why I know this is because many new voters are casting ballots all over the country for democrats along with our steady likely voters from past elections. Which means we have many more voters who have not voted yet who are reliable voters who will vote before November 6th or on that date. Voting early has been not been easy in many states for the working middle poor class so as the early polling stations begin to expand their hours our numbers will increase measurably.
     So in 11 days from now there will be enough inferential data available to show that more democrats have or will vote than this early rush of republicans to the polls might otherwise indicate. I keep saying this from the bottom of my heart and from the deepest part of my mind, we must not pull our foot from the gas pedal of determination when it comes to speeding along toward casting our votes. Regardless of our assumptions and feelings, all of us have to vote like we are trying to save the very air we are breathing. Nothing is more important in life right now than to stop the criminal insanity of the trumps and their despicable republican accomplices.

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