Monday, October 15, 2018

The hate under our skin (#3545)

     It doesn't matter what I say to some people, they say to me they understand but they don't. They won't let go of the hate they have within them. It eats at who they are but they don't seem to care. They put on their easy nice faces and pretend that they are good people but they just can't pull it off. Something always shows their dis-ease when they try to take credit for doing something good. I don't know why they choose to hate without confronting what it is doing to them. There is nothing I can do anymore with some of them because they have built a wall between us that they will not let crumble.
     So what to do when it is unavoidable and constant? I ignore them as best I can without causing a war with them but they get nothing of good consequence from me. Anything they get from me is shallow and hurried. I just have no more time to try to show them that hating is a rot and will cause their lives more misery than satisfaction. I am talking about racism. Hating because it is convenient to their narrative they have built over time. They are unwilling to backtrack and admit that they were wrong. So their choice to deny truths and facts have left me with my choice, to deny them any part of me that is right and good. It is unfortunate that it is what it is for now.
     I myself could have taken their path and been a hater. In some demented way I could have justified it to myself by remembering the past and some isolated instances where I was harmed by those whose skin tone was different than mine. But I am more logical than that because I also remember the past where many more instances of harm was perpetrated on me by those who have the same skin tone as I. I also remember the kindnesses that were given to me by people whose skin tone is different than mine. So I cannot justify hating others who are not the same as me. But what is more prevalent now with a hater appointed to lead our nation is that more people are now showing their hate and with that they get nothing but the back of me. If they persist to make their unwelcome hatred a part of my life what they will get from me is going to be a force of rebuttal that in no uncertain term clearly expresses my resolve.

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