Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The republican party, making the world hate us! (#3547)

     The cruel, brutish and selfish republican party has one goal in their vision. To conquer the world and subjugate America while they are at it. That is all there is to it. Look at everything they are doing and try and tell me I am wrong! Go ahead, try! You can't defend them for their obvious actions unless your are devoid of logic and common sense. So what to do about them? Well we have an election concluding in 20 days and the best way to stop the self destruction of America by republicans is to vote them out of public office everywhere they are running for public office. The ballot each of us has a chance to fill out and hand in is our way to end this idiotic and ultimately dangerous political reality.
     The republican party has shown us that they will go to any length to keep their strategy of world and American domination alive so expect that they will continue to lie, cheat and steal right up until the votes have been formally counted. They are not above manipulating our ballots in a way that their candidates come out on top regardless of the votes against them. Nothing is beyond their lack of principles when it comes to the outcome they want. So we must not give them any wiggle room for deception. We must come out in force and vote so heavily against them that there will not be enough room for them to manipulate the final count. Our democratic blue wave must be tsunami like if we are to finally end their control of our government and our lives.
     The world at large has seen the effects of the appointed president and his cowering republican party on our home front but they have also seen and felt the effects of the trumps antagonism toward themselves, our allies included. The obvious collusion the trumps have with putin and his russian gang is further proof that the trumps are not patriots of American democracy. The trumps are the tip of the spear in the republican onslaught of our true American destiny and they must be removed before they can further damage what is left our national identity of the melting pot of the world. Our American heritage has been based upon our care and curiosity for all things living and breathing but until we vote the republicans out we will not be able to recapture the rightful manifest destiny of our era.

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