Thursday, October 4, 2018

Early voting has already begun (#3534)

     We don't have to wait until November 6th to cast our election ballots. In some states the early voting process has already begun. In a handful of days most of the country will be able to vote early. My sense on early voting is to make sure your voice is heard by voting as soon as you are able. The dynamics of this coming election will not change much since most of what we all deem important has already been defined by the candidates. So find your nearest early voting venue and vote now so that no unforeseen cause can affect the voice of your vote.
     If I am reading this election correctly, early voting will be huge among we who want to put a check on the trumps. Taking the time  now to vote instead of waiting until the final day is smart and efficient when scheduled properly. We have all seen the long lines at voting stations and the inconvenience republicans have baked into our registering and voting options. So make sure that your vote is cast and the best way to do that is to cast your ballot as soon as you reasonably can. What that does is also free up us early voters in order to help get those who need assistance get their chance to vote. We need all hands on deck this election and getting our voting duty done in order to help others get their voting duty done is paramount.
     Needless to say here that we democrats need to vote a straight blue ticket so that the healing process within our government can begin in earnest. Readying for the next election that ousts the trumps and elects a democrat who can begin the common sense and logical restoration of our world and national vision. We have been set back by the trumps and even though trumps won't be around much longer their imprint on our democracy will. So starting now as the early voting dictates let's get on the record with our casted ballot and help any and all who would like to join our fight but need some assistance in doing so. Nothing is more important in our lives right now than the health and welfare of our nation and nothing will improve that health and welfare of our nation like a cast ballot already in the bank.

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