Sunday, October 28, 2018

Vote in the next 9 days; also compassion and curiosity are my natures (#3558)

     There is nothing more real to me than my nature, both my compassion and my curiosity dominate my thoughts and actions. There is little room for anything else. I am not infallible so there are times when I divert from my natures and catch myself being less than I am but I can honestly say that it is because I am unsettled by current events that shock my sensibilities to the core. When calm and peace are my environment then there is nothing beyond my care and wonder. I am pretty much a selfless man who is happy enough just to be alive and somewhat healthy. It is all I need in life to make life worthwhile to me as a foundation.
     I have heard people say that they are unsettled in their lives or that they are trying to find themselves. I know both of those because they are to me my insatiable thirst for knowledge. I am unsettled because I can't learn or am barred from learning what my curiosity demands of me. I also know that my unsettled state will always be that because I will never be able to satisfy the what, how and why questions of life. What I have found about myself also is that I can be settled geographically and content in many other ways. I don't need to be the whirligig that I used to think I had to be. But I know that settling for less than everything I can know or learn will never happen. My curious nature must always be fed along with my compassion otherwise I am not me any longer.
     Why do I keep trying to tell you who I am and what my natures are? It is because they define me. In that defining is where my vision for life begins. I wonder, so I must learn, and I care so I try to make life easier for all who need it. Life for me is all that simple. I am aware of the many great wonders of this world and want to now know the great wonders out beyond this world. My curiosity demands it. My manifest destiny if you will. I know that my mortal life is finite but I ignore that fact and still try to pull all I can into my sphere of comprehension. I am a relentless soul trying to be who he is. The best way for all of us to be the best of who we are is to make our society reflect that so vote democratic in 9 days and make it so.

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