Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Four more weeks (#3539)

     As mentally deficient as trump is do not be surprised if his handlers help him come up with a surprise right before the final election day on November 6th. It will be something that has an illusion of democratic betrayal to it in order to depress our vote and make us question our party's ability to represent us. It will be a sham of course but that is beside the point. The republican party does not hold itself accountable to facts or ethics so all is in play for them. Well, we democrats do hold ourselves to facts and ethics so we will of course be shocked to hear of the republican "surprise". Yet know this, it will be as hollow as they are and in most cases we will not fall for it but unfortunately some of us will.
     Which is a good reason to get your vote in early so that you vote now before they try to spin you away from your own values with falsehoods. Any chance anyone can get to vote early should get pounced upon. Not only can waiting put your vote in jeopardy through republican obstruction but sometimes our own lives mess with our prepared plans. So don't procrastinate voting if the option is available now. Bank our votes and then be of help to any who would need help to get their vote in. My motto for life is to stay ahead of the things I can. When I see that I am getting low on some item I get more of it before I run out so I have a steady supply without interruption. Just like with our voting, don't let anything unforeseen circumstance stop us from our duty and need to vote.
     The next 28 days will be an anxious time for many of us and I for one will not wait for some final date to cast my ballot. I have read all the information on the measures and initiatives and have made my decision on them. I always vote for a straight party ticket and this year will be no different. I will take a snapshot of my finished ballot with the identification number on it as a receipt that I can keep as proof of my voting choices. I am just one man but I count my vote as precious and of value like any heirloom I may acquire in life. I actually value my vote more than objects of significance because with my vote I am willing to die to protect it whereas material value is not as important to me as my right as a free human being who has committed himself to live under a democratic social contract.

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