Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The day after... (#3568)

     There were several outcomes that bothered me deep in my soul from last nights elections but there were also many good things that happened to assuage the potential gut punch once again from the American voting electorate. Overall I am disappointed in how the south eastern portion of our nation conitnues to live in an illusion. I cannot grasp the mindset they have in keeping the republican aprty in control of their lives when a better life exists for them simply by recognizing it. I cannot make people think for themselves as I have tried in many different ways and at many different times. It doesn't work and the worst part about it is that their intransigence in acqquiring knowledge outside their preconceived notions is obstructing the progress of the American dream for all of its citizens.
    Be that as it may however, the good that happened was outstanding. Many long time republican politicians have been thrown out of office and although repubicans held the Senate and then some, they lost many governorships and most importantly they lost the House. With that House loss they no longer have complete control of all the branches of government. The House is special in that it controls the purse strings of our nation so no spending can occur without democratic approval. As well the House can begin to legislate again in ways that will be far more bipartisan because that is what we democrats are all about. We want all to be part of the legislation proposed unlike when republicans just bypassed democrats in formulating their national policies.
     But on the social/political front a large contingent of women were elected to Congress as well as diverse individuals outside the dysfunctional paradigm of older wealthy white men. On a personal note here I have found that women are better leaders of our society because they are the ones who care more about life matters than men. It seems that men are noticeably more selfish and greedy than women are and therefore men should not be the majority of those who should be leading our national progress. The statehouses also did a makeover favoring the democratic party. It is at this grassroots level that the growth of our party will flourish and the still dead weight at the top of our national government will continue to feel the increasingly white hot heat of change on their backsides.

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