Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Either we fight together or separately (#3686)

     Society is a fight. So we have to choose who we fight and how we fight. With democracy we fight on the same side against those who would take our democracy. With those who don't like democracy they fight individually against not only democracy but everyone else as well. This is the moment of our reality. The democratic party is about the strength of togetherness, justice and fairness. Whereas the republican party has decided to lead those who would step on our democracy in favor of the wealthy and the privilege and advantage of corrupted rule. No doubt you can guess which side I am affiliated with by the tone of my description.
     I often wonder how republicans can justify their destruction of democracy when democracy afforded them all they have now. But to presuppose that republicans care about that irony is to be caught in the web of their dissonance. Likely they don't care and see democracy as a one time gift just for them and then like that presto, they take it away for anyone else. It fits their narrative of control and power which they feel they "deserve" above all others. It must be intoxicating for them to keep pushing for the concept of dominion. I cannot explain it rationally any other way but then again I am not a mental health care professional. But I do follow logic and common sense with a passion and the republican ideal of individualism without shared community structure can only lead to a power struggle that will end democracy and likely modernism if our species survives.
     The republicans look to dictatorships around the world and instead of seeing the fight to protect human rights and species enlightenment, they see a model that makes them salivate with lust. They desire the brutal control that China has over it's population. They love the ideal of state sponsored murder like the Saudis have over their population. The republican party even admires the horrendous rule of North Korea and appreciates their desire to grow their nuclear arsenal. Now not all of this is communicated in simple form and many obfuscating circumstances keeps us at bay but don't be fooled by the misdirection, the putin loving trump and his loyal republican party are working hard to become just like their buddies who remain in power through state sponsored terrorism against their own citizenry and by extension the world at large.

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