Saturday, March 30, 2019

No time for idiots (#3711)

     If I am ever going to keep my cool about me then I need to stay away from people who are always trying to get over on me or the lazy who cause me to have to follow in their wake. I have enough difficulty taking care of my own problems without others ignoring and/or shirking their own problems. When I am around those who cannot logically understand that their actions require them to address the result their actions create then I get angry when it is left to me to solve or clean up. When I am around those who find it their duty in life to shirk that which they are responsible for and it is left to me to solve or clean up their mess it makes me angry.
     I don't have to be around those types of people and if I could I would wholly eliminate them from my life. Yet there are a few who I am as of yet able to leave behind because of reasons of compassion. Yet even I have a limit to what I will tolerate and if those who have my favor cannot find their way to being responsible for their lives then they too will be gone when I can reasonably arrange it. My own self being while I am still alive is more important to me than any inconvenience others may suffer because of the choices they make. I do let them know what needs doing even though it should be clear that when they cause something it is their responsibility to rectify it.
     Like I said I will not tolerate ignorance or shirking nor their excuses. It is beyond my ability to ease my tortured soul when I am not the one who is torturing it. So taking myself away from the nonsense and irresponsibility is my only solution to problems I am left with that I did not create. Like I said earlier, I have enough of my own life and the responsibilities I have taken on to keep orderly without others taking advantage of my good nature. Only good natured people who understand their own solutions to their problems and then set out to manage them are worthy of being in my company. Sorry, but I am tired of being taken advantage of. If everyone would just shoulder their own problems I wouldn't have had to type this miserable post!

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