Friday, March 8, 2019

The republican party cannot debate the issues (#3689)

     Have you noticed that the republican party is real good at calling people names but they cannot debate their own policies nor those policies of ours? They are incapable of arguing the premises of their disturbing conclusions of analysis because they know that they are illogical. Each time they keep coming up with the idea that we must all fight our own struggles without help because it makes us better people. Yet the many who fail to win their fight against their struggle are unmentioned or called worthless. This despite the favorable advantages and privileges many who are of their ilk receive. As if only the working middle poor class and the intellectual left are to be held to the "lifting up by one's own bootstraps" narrative.
     To me that is the break from reality and the logic required to justify their position. What I know is that we all need help except the very few who are wealthy beyond all reasonable means. If not for public education and the somewhat free limited health care I received growing up I would not be here. Nor would I suspect most everyone else who is not wealthy. This is the problem. The wealthy are too wealthy while the poor are too poor. Let me be perfectly clear here. This is our democracy and we can shape our economy in any fashion that is smart, fair and merit based if we so desire. So what republicans are doing is to keep the paradigm of a few wealthy, many of which have inherited their wealth, as greater than the sum of the rest of us.
     So to believe republicans is to hurt the vast majority of us. All of work is honorable and to keep our society as a guiding light of humanity we need to stop the protections of the wealthy that are killing the working middle poor class. The wealthy have enough already and in fact need to start contributing back into our monetary distribution to keep our society on the cutting edge of modernity. If we should have learned one thing over the last few centuries of our national existence it is that the spirit of each soul is precious and not any less than any other soul. Sure some achieve in greater comprehensions than others but for the majority of us who are not superlative in any one field we are still magnificent in our approach to shaping the honor and dignity of life and the most dear pursuit of happiness we all have to protect for each other.

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